63rd Anniversary


J Howie

List of Toasts Proposed

I. The Queen, The Prince and Princess of Wales and Both Houses of Parliament

The Chairman

Song. "God Save the Queen"

The Company

II. Army, Navy and Reserve Forces

Mr Kirkhope

Reply by Lieutenant John Gow


Song. "The Red, White and Blue"

Mr Thomson

Song. "Rule Britannia"

Mr Cameron

III. The Immortal Memory of Burns

The Chairman

Song. "There was a Lad was born in Kyle"

Mr Thomson

Song. "Corn rigs"

Mr Cameron

IV. The Memory of Jean Armour

The Croupier

Song. "Willie brewed a peck o' maut"

Messrs Bone, Thomson and Gordon

V. Deceased Members

Mr Comrie

Song. "A wee drappie o't"

Mr Logan

VI. Dramatic Literature with Shakespeare

Mr D Johnstone

Song. "The Reformer"

Dr Kerr

VII. The Memory of Scott

Mr Willison

Song. "Alester McAlester"

Mr Gordon

VIII. Modern Science

Mr Macartney

IX. The Living Novelists

Mr John H Hamilton

Song. "The Smith's a gallant Fireman"

Mr McGregor

X. Modern Poets with Tennyson

Mr Aitken

Song. "Scotland Yet"

Mr Thomson

XI. The Song Writers

Mr Gow

Song. "Loudon's bonnie woods and braes"

Mr Cameron

XII. The Memory of Thomas Campbell

Mr Brown

Song. "My Nannie's awa'"

Mr Willison

Song. "The Whale"

Mr Kirkhope

XIII. The Confederated Clubs

Mr Fulton

Reply by Mr Snedden, Secretary to the Confederated Clubs


Song. "Guidwife, count the lawin'"

Mr Bone

XIV. The Young Members

The Chairman


Mr Blair

XV. The Haggis-Maker (Mrs Willison)

Dr Kerr

Song. "The Kail-brose o' old Scotland"

Mr McGregor

The Chairman conveyed the thanks of the Club to Mr John Paton for his gift of the following articles long used by the Club:

  1. The "Tappit Hen"
  2. Two ancient Bottles
  3. The "Haggis-Pin"
  4. Two Toddy Ladles

The usual thanks to Chairman and Croupier brought the meeting to a close.

Members Present

John Howie, Manufacturer, Braehead (Chairman)

Dr Kerr, H M Inspector of Schools (Croupier)

David Brown, Printer

John Gow, Worsted Spinner

John Fulton, Worsted Spinner

Robert Roger, Grocer

William Logan, Schoolmaster

Robert Gray, Teacher, Glengarnock

Thomas Cochrane, Merchant

William N. Macartney, Merchant, Glasgow

James M McCosh, Writer

William Thomson, Ironmonger

Alexander Comrie, Inspector

Daniel Cameron, Contractor, Cumnock

James McKie, Publisher, Kilmarnock

Andrew Aitken, Manufacturer

Alexander Willison, Worsted Spinner

Dugald Paton, Farmer, Hourat

Robert Craig, Farmer, Ryesholm

George Kirkhope, Solicitor

William Mitchell, Precentor in West Church

Dr Blair

Thomas Bone, Currier

John Gordon, Cashier, Blair Iron Works

David Johnston, H M Assistant Inspector of Schools

New Members

John Blair, W.S., Edinburgh

James G Smith, Glasgow

William Davidson McGregor, Mine Host of the Turf


Mr Snedden, Kilmarnock

Dr James Hamilton, Beith, son of the late Dr Hamilton of Dalry, formerly a member of this Club

William Millar, Glasgow

28 Members; 3 Visitors