52nd Anniversary
List of Toasts Proposed
I. The Queen; Prince of Wales and other Members of the Royal Family; Army, Navy and Volunteers; and Both Houses of Parliament |
Dr Blair |
Capt Kerr replied for the Volunteers |
Song. "Auld Scotland, I love Thee" |
Mr Mitchell |
Song. "Corn Rigs" |
Mr Cameron |
Song. "Happy we've been a' thegither" |
Mr Beveridge |
II. Memory of Jean Armour and Descendants of the Poet |
The Croupier |
Song. "My Wife's a bonnie wee thing" |
Mr Loudon |
Song. "Highland Mary" |
Mr Mitchell |
III. Deceased Members |
James White |
Song. "My boy Tammy" |
Mr Hogg |
Song. "Widow Malone" |
Mr Kerr |
IV. Dramatic Literature, with Shakespeare |
Mr McCosh |
Song. "Sweet Molly Malone" |
Mr Knox |
V. Geographical Explorers, with Capt Nares |
Dr Blair |
Song. "The Pilgrim Fathers" |
Mr Cameron |
VI. Our Novelists, with Scott |
Mr Willison |
Song. "McGregor's Gathering" |
Mr Mitchell |
VII. Fine Arts, with Neil Paton |
Mr Theo Paton |
Song. "The Village Blacksmith" |
Mr Thomson |
VIII. English Poets |
Mr Comrie |
Song. "The Lass o' Gowrie" |
Mr Loudon |
IX. At this stage arrived Mr McKie, the Chairman, and gave the Toast of the evening, "The Immortal Memory of Burns", which was received with unbounded enthusiasm |
Song. "Bonnie Jean" |
Mr Mitchell |
Song. "Willie brewed a peck o' maut" |
Mr Knox |
Song. "The year that's awa'" |
Mr Knox |
X. The Land o' Cakes |
Mr Aitken |
Song. "Green grow the rashes, o" |
Mr Hogg |
Song. "Coming thro' the rye" |
Mr Thomson |
XI. The Biographers of Burns |
Mr Brown |
Song. "Gloomy winter's noo awa'" |
Mr Cameron |
XII. The Young Members, with Andrew Patrick: and thereafter "The Chairman" and "The Croupier", closed the evening. |
Members Present
James McKie*, Kilmarnock, Chairman |
John Kerr, Church, Accrington, Lancashire, Croupier |
Daniel Cameron, Contractor, Auchinleck |
David Beveridge, Contractor |
John S Frew, Blair Iron Works |
James White, Kilwinning |
David Longwill, Hawhill |
Allan Loudon |
Alexander Comrie, Inspector |
Dr Blair |
William Mitchell, Precentor, West Church |
John Young, Jeweller, Glasgow |
A B Aitken, Carsehead |
John Paton, "Mine Host of the "Turf" |
David Brown, Printer |
Theo Paton, Swinlees |
James M McCosh, Solicitor |
New Members |
Alex Willison (admitted last year but prevented by illness from being present at the anniversary) |
John Fulton, Pitcon |
Andrew Patrick, Johnstone |
James Knox, Brownhill |
Archibald Gray, Middleton |
William Thomson, Ironmonger |
Andrew Hogg, Teacher, Burnside School |
Thomas Craig (a member previously but not present at two last meetings) |
25 Members
*James McKie is an enthusiastic admirer of the Poet. In 1867, Mr McKie published a "Reprint and Fac-simile of the Original Kilmarnock Edition " of Burns' Works, and in 1869 he issued the "Kilmarnock Complete Edition of Burns' Poems and Songs" similar in style to the "Fac-simile". Copies of both these works are deposited in the "Cairn".
Mr McKie was the Originator and Life of the movement having for its object the erection of a Statue of the Poet in Kilmarnock. Having to attend an important Meeting, for the furtherance of this object, held in Kilmarnock on the evening of the present anniversary, he was unable to reach Dalry until the arrival of the London train. During the earlier part of the evening the Chair was filled by Dr Blair.