51st Anniversary
List of Toasts Proposed
I. The Queen; Prince of Wales and other Members of the Royal Family; Army, Navy and Volunteers; and Both Houses of Parliament |
The Chairman |
Songs. "God save the Queen" and "Rule Britannia" |
Mr Cameron |
Song. "Naebody kens ye" |
Mr Mitchell |
Song. " Widow Malone" |
Mr Kerr |
II. The Memory of Burns |
The Chairman |
Song. "Corn Rigs" |
Mr Cameron |
Song. "Braes o' Ballochmyle" |
Mr Mitchell |
III. The Memory of Jean Armour and the Descendants of the Poet |
Mr Croupier |
Song. "Willie brewed a peck o' maut" |
Mr Logan |
IV. Deceased Members, with the Memory of Hugh Morris |
Mr Stirrat |
Song. "The Lancashire Lad" (in the Lancashire dialect) |
Mr Kerr |
V. Shakespeare |
Mr Logan |
Song. "Land o' Cakes Forever" |
Mr Mitchell |
VI. Sir Walter Scott |
Mr Comrie |
Song. "A wee drappie o't" |
Mr Kerr |
Song. "Macgregor's Gathering" |
Mr Mitchell |
VII. The Land o' Cakes, with James Whyte |
Capt Paton |
Song. "Loudon's bonnie woods and braes" |
Mr Cameron |
VIII. Modern English Poets, with Tennyson |
Mr Kerr |
Song. "The Lass o' Richmond Hill" |
Mr Logan |
Song. "Gloomy Winter's noo awa'" |
Mr Cameron |
Humourous Mock Highland Sermon "On the Introduction of the use of Spectacles into the Christian Church" |
Mr Kerr |
IX. The Biographers of Burns, with Mr McKie |
Mr McCosh |
Song. "O Nannie, wilt thou gang wi' me?" |
Mr Mitchell |
Song. "Thou bonnie wood o' Craigielea" |
Mr Hamilton |
X. Living Song Writers |
Dr Blair |
Song. "The Lass o' Gowrie" |
Mr Loudon |
Song. "John Peel" |
Mr Logan |
XI. Agricultural Interests, with D Longwill |
Mr Brown |
Song. "Thunder Blunder" |
Jas Whyte |
XII. Young Member |
The Chairman |
Reply |
Mr Theophilus Paton |
Song. "The Cameron Men" |
Mr Mitchell |
XIII. The Press, with Mr McKim |
Mr Aitken |
Humorous Song. "The Cocksparrow's Love" |
Mr Kerr |
XIV. Mine Host and Success to the New Turf |
Mr Brown |
"The President" and "The Croupier", with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" brought a happy meeting to a close. |
Members Present
John S Frew, Blair Iron Works, Chairman, whose poetical effusions have already graced these "Records" |
James McKie, Kilmarnock, Croupier |
David Brown, Printer |
Dr Blair |
Dr Sloan |
James Stirrat |
James McCosh, Writer |
A B Aitken, Carsehead |
John Young, Jeweller, Glasgow |
Capt Paton, Hillend |
John Kerr, Church, Accrington, Lancashire, |
Alexander Comrie, Inspector |
William Logan, Teacher |
Allan Loudon |
Daniel Cameron, Contractor, Lugar |
William Mitchell, Den |
James Whyte, Kilwinning |
John Paton, Turf Inn |
David Longwill, Hawhill |
William Hamilton, Coatbridge |
Mr McKim, Bridgend Mill |
New Member |
Theophilus Paton, Swinlees |
22 Members