Soviet Issue of 1956
The first stamps to commemorate Robert Burns were issued
by the Soviet Union in 1956,
on the 160th anniversary of the poet's death.

Soviet Issue of 1959
Three years later, the 40 kopek brown-and-blue stamp was overprinted "1759 - 1959"
and issued in commemoration of the bicentenary of his birth.

Romanian Issue of 1959
Also in 1959, Romania issued the above stamp as part of a series on cultural anniversaries.

First GB Issue
Not until 25th January, 1966 did the British postal authorities commemorate Burns, this being
the 170th anniversary of his death. The stamp designs are based on Skirving's chalk drawing
(4d value) and the Nasmyth portrait (1/3).

First Day Cover, 1966
This first day cover with the 1966 issue displays both the ordinary and phosphor versions
of the stamps.

Second GB Issue
Not quite two hundred years after the death of Burns, the British postal authorities issued a
four-value set of stamps on 25th January, 1996 (the 137th anniversary of his birth). The designs
depict the opening lines of four Burns works, together with appropriate images.

Dalry Burns Club Commemorative Cover
Dalry Burns Club prepared the above commemorative cover which was issued
on the 200th anniversary of the poet's death:
21st July, 1996.
2009 ISSUE

Set of three postcards issued by Royal Mail

Burns World Federation First Day Cover

Burns World Federation First Day Cover - Reverse

Burns World Federation First Day Cover - Interior

Alloway First Day Cover
...and a coin:
This 2009 commemorative £2 coin marked the first time a design solely based on handwriting had appeared on a British coin.
...and cigarette cards: