July 11th, 2019
The South West Scotland Collection
Karen McCrindle Warren

South West Scotland - Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway - was home territory for
Robert Burns,
yet the music of this region remains widely unrecognised.
This five-book collection represents the past, the present and the future of South West
Scotland's musical heritage.
Volumes 1 and 2 (The Past) contain 100 tunes each, including: Burns, old fiddle and
piano music,
Scots songs (all arranged for bagpipe) and old pipe tunes whose ties to
the area may be less obvious.
It's the biggest collection of Burns music ever compiled
for the pipes.
Volumes 3 and 4 (The Present) contain modern compositions from the
region's top players.
'Wan fur the Weans' (The Future) is a fun collection designed to
encourage young hands to play
and have fun learning about
the heritage of South West Scotland.

Karen McCrindle Warren

The Club provided financial support for Karen's project and members were delighted to welcome her for this evening's event.