The Bard: Willie Wallace
The Sodger Laddie: James Dippie
His 'Doxy' or Sweetheart: Alex Findlay
Merry Andrew: Steven Richmond
The Highland Widow: Alister Sim
The Fiddler: Robert Strahorn
The Caird: Jamie Houston
Old Salt, Hangman & Preacher: Douglas Martin
Barmaid & Damsel: Andy Boyd
Narrators: Willie Wallace, Jamie Houston & Steven Richmond
Musicians: Roy Davidson, John Hodgart & James Dippie
Producer: John Hodgart
Audience Reaction
From Jock Wilson:
I wish to thank your Club for a fabulous evening of 1st class entertainment.
The whole ensemble were so keen. Many thanks to John Hodgart who produced and directed a great show.
The music and fun was outstanding.
I am a Burns Reciter & Singer and especially thoroughly enjoyed myself.
John (Jock) Wilson
From Lex Muir:
I brought three friends along to the 'Jolly Beggars an Mair' night in the Burns Birthplace Museum last night,
and wanted to make contact to let you know how much we enjoyed our evening,
and how impressed we were with the standard of the performances of all involved.
It was a real pleasure to witness such a seldom seen piece as the Jolly Beggars performed so well,
and to also have the additional pleasure of the other pieces.
Our journey from Newton Stewart was very worthwhile, and the whole evening was actually quite inspirational.
With warmest regards,
Lex Muir,
President, Newton Stewart Burns Club