Ayrshire Association Quiz
March, 2010

The B Team - Steven Richmond, Jamie Houston and Alister Sim - were a very creditable fourth

The A Team - Hugh Hodge, Douglas Martin and Robert Barr - were also present

The quiz was won by Kilmarnock BC, with Kilbirnie Rosebery BC as runners-up
Annual General Meeting
March 25th, 2010

Chairman Willie Wallace with Past Chairman Robert Barr
Garnock Academy Awards Ceremony
8th June, 2010
Mrs Elna Martin, Allan Murray (Deputy Head Boy), Brian McNaught (Rector), Anna Martin (Head Girl) and Douglas Martin
Ayrshire Association Annual General Meeting
October 14th, 2010
President Lesley Richardson & Past President Jim Thomson
Junior Vice President Alister Sim & Lesley Richardson
Wreath-laying Ceremony, Ayr, 25th January, 2011