59th Anniversary


A Comrie

List of Toasts Proposed

I. The Queen, The Prince of Wales and Royal Family; Both Houses of Parliament; and Army, Navy and Reserve Forces

The Chairman

Capt McCosh replied for the Volunteers


Song. "God Save the Queen"

Mr Cameron

Song. "The Empress of the Waves"

Mr Mitchell

Song. "Rule Britannia"

Mr Cameron

II. . Scotland's Immortal Bard, Robert Burns

The Chairman

Song. "There was a Lad was born in Kyle"

Mr Thomson

Song. "O' a' the airts the wind can blaw"

Mr Logan

III. The Memory of Jean Armour

The Croupier

Song. "Mary Morrison"

Mr Thomson

Song. "The bonnie Lass of Ballochmyle"

Mr Mitchell

IV. Memory of Walter Scott

Mr Aitken

Song. "Macgregor's Gathering"

Mr Mitchell

V. Dramatic Literature and Shakespeare

Mr Roger

Song. "The Officer's Funeral"

Mr Craig

Song. "Tom Bowling"

Mr Cameron

VI. Modern Poets, with Tennyson

Mr Kirkhope

Song. "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton"

Mr Thomson

VII. The Song Writers

Dr Blair

Song. "The Pilgrim Fathers"

Mr Cameron

VIII. Thomas Campbell

Mr Morrison

Song. "The Battle of the Baltic"

Mr Mitchell

VIII. Modern Science and its Practical Application

Capt Paton

IX. Our Historians with Archibald Alison

Mr Gray

Song. "Scotland Yet"

Mr Thomson

Song. "Loudon's bonnie woods and braes"

Mr Cameron

X. The Biographers of Burns

Mr Logan

Song. "Corn Rigs"

Mr Cameron

XI. Kindred Clubs

Mr Howie

Song. "My ain countrie"

Mr Mitchell

XII. Irish Poets with Moore

Mr Deans

Song. "The Meeting of the Waters"

Mr Cameron

Irish sermon by Mr Craig


XIII. Young Members

Mr Cochrane


Mr Macartney

Song. "Cam ye by Athol"

Mr Willison

After the usual complimentary Toasts of the "Chairman" and "Croupier", "Auld lang syne" brought a very pleasant meeting to a close. 


Members Present

Alexander Comrie, Inspector (Chairman)

James Stirrat, Grain Merchant (Croupier)

Robert Roger, Grocer

William Logan, Schoolmaster

Dr Blair

J M McCosh, Solicitor

John Fulton, Manufacturer

Thomas Cochrane, Merchant

John Howie, Manufacturer, Braehead

Walter Morrison, Teacher

William Thomson, Ironmonger

Robert Gray, Teacher, Glengarnock

James Deans, Teacher, Kersland Barony

William Mitchell, Precentor, West Church

Daniel Cameron, Contractor, Cumnock

John Paton, "Mine Host" of the Turf

Robert Fulton, Writer

George Kirkhope, Solicitor

Andrew Aitken, Manufacturer

Alexander Willison, Worsted Spinner

New Members

George Willison

Robert Craig, Farmer, Flashwood

Dugald Paton, Farmer, Hourat

W N Macartney

William Millar

Gilbert Taylor

24 Members