55th Anniversary
List of Toasts Proposed
I. The Queen; The Prince of Wales and Royal Family; Army, Navy and Volunteers |
The Chairman |
Capt McCosh replied for the Volunteers |
Song. "Scots wha hae" |
Mr Thomson |
Song. "Rule Britannia" |
Mr Cameron |
II. Both Houses of Parliament |
The Chairman |
Song. "Britain, the Empress of the Wave |
Mr Mitchell |
III. The Memory of Burns |
The Chairman |
Song. "There was a Lad was born in Kyle" |
Mr Thomson |
Song. "Corn Rigs" |
Mr Cameron |
Song. "My love is like a red red rose" |
Mr Mitchell |
IV. The Memory of Jean Armour and the Descendants of the Poet |
The Croupier |
Song. "O' a' the airts" |
Mr Logan |
Song. (impromptu, with numerous humorous personal allusions) "Sure a' this micht please ilka body " |
Dr Kerr |
V. Dramatic Literature, with Shakespeare |
Dr Blair |
Song. "A warrior bold" |
Mr Thomson |
Song. "My Janet and me" |
Mr Beveridge |
VI. Novelists, with Walter Scott |
Dr Kerr |
Song. "Hail to the Scot" |
Mr Mitchell |
Song. " Loudon's bonnie woods and braes " |
Mr Cameron |
VII. The Memory of Thomas Campbell |
Mr Comrie |
Song. "The meeting of the Waters" |
Mr Cameron |
VIII. The Historians |
Mr Brown |
Song. "Drinking Drams" |
Dr Kerr |
IX. Deceased Members |
Mr Stirrat |
Song. "The Land o' the Leal" |
Mr Mitchell |
Song. "A wee drappie o't" |
Mr Logan |
X. Industrial and Commercial Interests |
Rev Mr Blair |
Song. "Tom Bowling" |
Mr Cameron |
XI. The Biographers of Burns |
Mr Frew |
Song. "The Lass o' Ballochmyle" |
Rev Mr Blair |
XII. Irish Poets, with Moore |
Mr Gray |
Song. "Boyne Water" |
Mr Logan |
XIII. The Young Members |
Dr Blair |
Mr John Howie replied |
Song. "Hieland-Whisky's strong" |
Dr Kerr |
This highly successful Meeting was brought to a close after the usual complimentary Toasts of "The Chairman" , "Croupier" and "Mine Host of the Turf"
Members Present
William Logan, Schoolmaster (Chairman) |
Andrew Aitken (Croupier) |
James McKie, Publisher, Kilmarnock |
David Brown, Printer |
J S Frew, Cashier, Blair Iron Works |
John Fulton, Bridgend Mills |
David Beveridge, Contractor |
Dr Kerr, H M Inspector of Schools |
James Stirrat, Grain Merchant |
Thomas Craig, Merchant |
Dr Blair |
Robert Roger, Grocer |
Daniel Cameron, Contractor, Auchinleck |
William Mitchell, Precentor in West Church |
Alexander Comrie, Inspector |
William Thomson, Ironmonger |
James M McCosh, Banker |
Jno Paton, "Mine Host" of the Turf |
James White, Kilwinning |
New Members |
Walter Morrison, Teacher, Townend School |
Mr Deans, Teacher, Kersland Barony School |
Rev George Blair, Assistant to Dr Stevenson |
Thomas Cochrane, Merchant |
John Howie, Braehead |
24 Members