36th Anniversary


W Fergusson

Members Present

William Fergusson, President,

who gave the Queen

Prince Albert and the Royal Family

And the Army and Navy, to the last of which Captain Paton of Hillend replied, as with which his health was coupled

Song. "Rule Britannia" by Hugh Morris

The President again gave Both Houses of Parliament and then the Memory of Burns

Song. "Corn Rigs" by Mr Cameron

Song. "Afton water" by Mr Cameron, Teacher

Alexander Kerr, Accountant, Croupier; he gave the Family of the Poet

Song. "Scotland" by William Logan, Kilbirnie

Dugald Cameron gave the memory of Sir Walter Scott

Song. "Jock o' Hazeldean" by Mr Gray

Song. "McGregor's Gathering" by Mr Dugald Cameron, Teacher

James Stirrat, Banker, gave the memory of Shakespeare

Song. "All the world's a stage" by Hugh Morris

Song. "Star of the Evening" by Mr Murdoch

Dr Blair gave the memory of Thomas Moore

Song. "They may rail at this life" by Mr Gray

Song. "Had I a thousand a year" by Mr Andrew

David Brown, Printer, gave the memory of Professor Wilson

Song. "Gloomy winter's noo awa'" by Mr Daniel Cameron, Contractor

Song. "We are brethren a'" by Hugh Allan

Song. "This is no my ain lassie" by Mr Loudon

Dr W B Hamilton gave the Scottish Poets of the 18th Century with the memory of Ramsey and Fergusson

Song. "Maggie Loudon" by Mr Murdoch

The Croupier afterwards gave the memory of Thomas Campbell

Song. "The exile of Erin" by Wm Logan

Comic Song by James White, Kilwinning

Song. "Loudon's bonnie woods and braes" by Daniel Cameron, Contractor

Captain Paton of Hillend gave the health of Sir Archibald Alison

James Andrew, Clerk, gave the memory of Lord Byron

Comic Song by Croupier

Song. "Dublin Bay" by Dugald Cameron

Archibald Gray gave the health of the living novelists, coupled with Charles Lever

Allan Loudon gave the memory of James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd

Song. "Jeanie there's naething to fear thee" by Allan Loudon

William Logan gave the health of the living poets, coupled with Tennyson

William McNair, Parish Schoolmaster, gave the memory of Tannahill

Dugald Cameron, Teacher, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey

Dr Blair gave afterwards the living song writers, with Charles McKay

Song. "The lass of Ballochmyle" by Wm. Logan

The Chairman gave the young members, which was replied by

David Murdoch, Check-grieve to the Earl of Glasgow

Robert Montgomerie gave the memory of James Stirrat

Dr Blair gave the memory of deceased members

Song. "The meeting of the waters" by Daniel Cameron, Contractor

Song. "Gentle Harry" by James Andrew

Hugh Morris

James McNair, who sang "The Highland Fling" with great spirit

Daniel Cameron, Contractor

Robert Wotherspoon, Railway Contractor, and Farmer at Hillend and Kersland

James White, Kilwinning

David Longwill, Farmer, Hawhill

21 Members