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199th Anniversary Dinner
26th January, 2024

Chairman Robert Strahorn, Snr.
Chairman - Robert Strahorn

Of a' the airts the wind can blaw,
I dearly like the west,
For there the bonie lassie lives,
The lassie I lo'e best.


Introduction of Chairman
Jack Cruickshanks
Reply and Welcome
The Chairman
Piping In The Haggis
Callum Paterson
'Address To A Haggis'
Logan McCall
'Selkirk Grace'
Lindsay Paterson (dept. for Roy Davidson)
Cock-a-leekie soup
Haggis, Neeps & Tatties
Roast Beef
Trifle & Cream
Oatcakes & Cheese

Song: 'A Man's A Man For A' That'
The Company
Secretary's Report
Alister Sim
Deceased Members
James Clark
Song: 'Land O' The Leal'
The Company
Poem: 'Address to the Toothache'
Gus McLafferty
TOAST: The Song Writers
Gordon Walker
Song: 'A Red, Red Rose'
Craig Paterson
TOAST: Land o' Cakes
James Hodge
Song: 'Scots Wha Hae'
The Company
Piper's Pook
Callum Paterson
TOAST: Town and Community of Dalry
Gus McLafferty
TOAST: Immortal Memory of Robert Burns
The Chairman
Song: 'There Was A Lad'
The Company
Reading: Snippets
John Hodgart with Jim Alcroft, David Smith, Andy
Hutchison, Morris McTaggart, Stuart Dunbar,
Gordon Walker and Frazer Hay
TOAST: Memory of Jean Armour
The Croupier
Song: 'Of a' the Airts'
The Company
TOAST: Guests and New Members
David Henderson
Poem: 'Libel Summons'
Alister Sim
Reply on behalf of New Members
James Madden
Reply on behalf of Guests
Donald Reid
Song: 'Sweet Afton'
Robert Strahorn Jr.
Poem: 'Address To The Deil'
Willie Wallace
Musical Medley
Club Band
Song: 'The Star O' Rabbie Burns'
The Company
TOAST: The Chairman
The Croupier
TOAST: The Croupier
The Chairman
Song: 'Auld Lang Syne'
The Company


Accompanist: Gordon Walker

Piper: Callum Paterson

Audio: David Park

481 Peter Good (1976)
485 Logan McCall* (1976)
481 Peter Watson* (1977)
502 Alex Findlay *(1980)
504 Jim McLellan* (1981)
513 Jim Hodge* (1982)
518 Robert Barr*# (1984)
519 William Wallace* (1984)
524 Andrew Boyd* (1985)
529 John Hodgart*# (1987)
536 John McDonald (1990)
542 David Park* (1993)
543 Armour Hamilton* (1994)
549 James Clark* (1996)
550 David Henderson* (1996)
551 Stuart Henderson (1996)
556 Jack Cruickshanks* (1998)
562 Robert Strahorn (1999)
564 Frazer McLellan+ (1999)
565 Alister Sim (1999)
567 Phillip Gray (2000)
568 John Montgomery (2000)
571 David Bingham (2001)
573 Ross McTaggart (2002)

+ Croupier
# Honorary Member
* Past Chairman
574 John McCormack (2002)
576 Steven Richmond (2003)
580 Ronald Anderson (2004)
585 Danny McInnes (2005)
588 Alex Jenkins (2006)
590 James Young (2006)
595 Andrew McKay (2007)
596 Robert Strahorn Jnr (2008)
601 Jamie Houston (2008)
603 Lee Hirst-Amos (2009)
607 Stewart Ferguson (2009)
610 Bernard Rocks (2010)
611 Matthew Wardrop (2010)
612 Alasdair Davidson (2010)
613 Callum Paterson (2010)
614 Alan Harkins (2011)
615 Lindsay Paterson (2011)
617 John Smith (2011)
623 Hugh Walker (2013)
627 William Hill (2014)
629 Ronald Stalker (2014)
631 Gordon Walker (2014)
633 Kinnear McCallum (2015)
636 William Kirkwood (2015)
639 Brian Montgomery (2016)
640 Andrew Oliver (2016)
641 David Smith (2016)
643 Paul McAllister (2017)
644 Stuart Park (2017)
646 Jean Lesperance (2017)
648 Morris McTaggart (2017)
650 Norman Clark (2017)
652 Frazer Hay (2018)
654 David Kirke (2019)
655 Martin Crawford (2019)
656 Mark Anderson (2022)
657 Iain Bell (2022)
658 Jim Alcroft (2022)
659 Craig Paterson (2022)
661 Stuart Clements (2022)
662 Stephen McColgan (2022)
665 Craig McColgan (2023)
666 Gus McLafferty (2023)
667 Andrew Lynch (2024)
668 Stuart Dunbar (2024)
669 Andrew Hutchison (2024)
670 James Madden (2024)

71 Members

Members' Guests

Bert Brown
David Wallace
Robert Spencer
Martin Wilson
Archie Comrie
Robert Clark
Douglas Kelso
Lawrence Riochichioli
Andrew Arnott
Charles Allan
Zak Benevento
Robert Wallace
Mark Meiklejohn
Cameron Gray

Gary Brownlie
Gordon Slater
Mark Long
William Jenkins
Robin Jenkins
Stuart McCall
George Campbell
John Sweeney
Craig Lawson
John Hands
Tam Harvie
George Campbell
Alex Wilson
Iain Harris

Tom Hughes
Grahame Payne
Bill Shilliday
Chris Eaglesham
Fred Williams
David Craig
Ryan Crawford
Adam Caine
Iain Gilmour
Simon Smith
Scott Gallacher
James Madden Snr
Club Guests

Barrmill Jolly Beggars BC - Donald Reid, Gordon Wilson,
Garnock BC - Ian Law, Jim McLellan,
Kilbirnie Rosebery BC - Jim Thompson,
Ayr Burns Club - Melvyn McCrostie,
Auditor - Andrew Budge,

7 Club Guests and 40 Members' Guests.

Members and Guests   More
(Credits: Alex Findlay & Lindsay Paterson - Alister Sim & Armour Hamilton)

The Club gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship
(and the catering service) provided by:

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