
jewel1 jewelbw



The Dalry Burns Club Millennium Jewel bears my mark (1) and the touch
of Colin Beech, the master goldsmith who wrought my design in sterling silver.

The hallmark and date stamp of the Birmingham Assay Office's millennium stamp.

The head of Robert Burns is by my drawing of him from the bronze statue owned
by Irvine Burns Club drawn in the garden of that club. No photography interceded
for my pencil. P.C.(2) Hugh Monahan was there.

The crown and river are taken from the Dalry High School coat of arms won by the
efforts of Lawrence Holland, headmaster. These are the emblems of this town of Dalry.
The date 1825 is the date of our Club's inauguration from which date our every meeting
has been minuted year by year without a break – entitling us to rightly claim
to be the longest recorded Burns club in the world.

Our other prime tradition is that only our own members do the toasts & performances –
with certain Chairman's exceptions!

Hence perhaps it is that no Club jewel ever existed or could exist until a
Dalry Club member gave his skill to conceive it and perform its creation!

Thus this artefact belongs within the traditions of Dalry Burns Club. Here also is the place
for me to record my thanks to Elizabeth Lambie of Mauchline who as my art teacher
in Dalry High inspired me to become an artist and a lover of Burns' work.

Duncan M. Watt


1. Duncan's Mark

2. P.C. – Past Chairman

Duncan Watt